Guide to Information

Last reviewed: October 2019

Term Used



Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Places a duty on those organisations covered to proactively publish certain types of information; and to respond to requests for information; and to provide advice and assistance to those making requests for information.


Environmental Information Regulations (Scotland) 2004

Those organisations covered by EIRs have a duty to respond to requests for environmental information


The Scottish Information Commissioner

Who is responsible for ensuring that those bodies covered by FOISA and EIRs comply with the terms of the legislation.


Model Publication Scheme

Produced by the SIC – this details all of the information that those subject to FOISA should publish (if they hold it) 

Guide to Information

A guide that all organisations subject to FOISA and adopting the MPS must produce to help people access the information it makes available

Classes of Information

Nine broad categories describing the types of information authorities should publish (if they hold it).



The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requires that all housing associations/co-operatives in Scotland must produce and maintain a publication scheme.   This must detail all of the key information that we publish and how you can access it.   This Guide to Information is our publication scheme, and contains links to where you can find all of the information listed online.

Thenue Housing Association has adopted the Scottish Information Commissioner’s (SIC) Model Publication Scheme(MPS), and this Guide has been approved by the SIC.  

Formats other than online

All of the information listed is available on our website (unless stated), and completely free to access online.    However, we understand that not everyone will have online access and where this is the case you can contact us to view this in our office (where this would be convenient).

If you would like a printed copy of any of the information listed, unfortunately we may have to charge a small fee to provide this.  This fee will never exceed the cost of photocopying and postage – and we will let you know any total cost before we forward this to you.  

Our charges for providing any information detailed in this guide are summarised below:





View at our office


Print in A4 black and white

15p per sheet

Print in A3 black and white

25p per sheet

Print in A4 colour

25p per sheet

Print in A3 colour

40p per sheet

CD Rom

£1 (includes disk)

Memory Stick

£8 (includes stick)


Postage Costs

Postage costs may be recharged at the rate we paid to send the information to you.  Our charge is for sending information by Royal Mail First Class.

When providing copies of pre-printed publications we will charge no more than the cost per copy of the total print run.  We do not pass on any other costs to you in relation to our published information.

If you would like to request information that we publish in a format other than online, or arrange a visit to our office to view information, please contact:

The People and Culture Manager
0141 550 3581

Charges for information which is not available under the scheme

If you submit a request to us for information which is not available in this Guide, the charges will be based on the following calculations:

            General Information Requests 

  • There will be no charge for information requests which cost us £100 or less to process
  • Where information costs between £100 and £600 to provide, you may be asked to pay 10% of the cost. That is, if you were to ask for information that cost us £600 to provide, you would be asked to pay £50 calculated on the basis of a waiver for the first £100 and 10% of the remaining £500
  • We are not obliged to respond to requests which will cost us over £600 to process
  • In calculating any fee, staff time will be calculated at actual cost per staff member hourly salary rate to a maximum of £20 per person per hour
  • We do not charge for the time to determine whether we hold the information requested, nor for the time it takes to decide whether the information can be released. Charge may be made for locating, retrieving and providing information to you.
  • In the event that we decide to impose a charge we will issue you with notification of the charge (a fees notice) and how it has been calculated.  You will have three months from the date of issue of the fees notice in which to decide whether to pay the charge.  The information will be provided to you on payment of the charge.  If you decide not to proceed with the request there will be no charge to you

Charges for Environmental Information is provided under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs) rather than FOISA.

The rules for charging for environmental information are slightly different.

We do not charge for the time to determine whether we hold the environmental information requested or deciding whether the information can be released.  Charges may be made for locating, retrieving and providing information to you e.g. photocopying and postage.

If we decide to impose a charge we will issue you with notification of the charge and how it has been calculated.  The information will be provided to you on payment of the charge.

If you decide not to proceed with the request there will be no charge to you.  Charges are calculated on the actual cost to us of providing the information.

  • Photocopying is charged at 10p per A4 sheet for black and white copying, 20p per A4 sheet for colour copying
  • Postage is charged at actual rate for Royal Mail First Class
  • Staff time is calculated at actual cost per staff member hourly salary rate to a maximum of £20 per person per hour

The first £100 worth of information will be provided to you without charge.

Where information costs between £100 and £600 to provide, you will be asked to pay 10% of the cost.  That is, if you were to ask for information that cost us £600 to provide, you would be asked to pay £50, calculated on the basis of a waiver for the first £100 and 10% of the remaining £500.

Where it would cost more than £600 to provide the information to you, however, we will ask you to pay the full cost of providing the information, with no waiver for any portion of the cost.

Charges for requesting your own personal data

There is no charge for requesting your own personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Subject Access Request.  We must provide a copy of the information free of charge.  However, we can charge a ‘reasonable fee’ when a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, particularly if it is repetitive.  We may also charge a reasonable fee to comply with requests for further copies of the same information.

Further information on GDPR can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website.  Click here to access

Information that we cannot publish

Whilst we will try to make all of the information we have detailed available, in rare cases there may be some information that we cannot make available.   For example, sometimes if we were to publish certain Board minutes, it could reveal personal details about an individual.  This would be a breach of Data Protection legislation if we were to do so.   When this is the case, we will remove any personal details before publication and highlight where and why we have done so.   

For how long will information be published?

We aim, where possible, to publish information for at least the current and previous two financial years.   When we review any document – e.g. our policies – to avoid confusion we will only publish the current version once it has been updated.  

Copyright and re-use

Where we hold the copyright on our published information, the information may be copied or reproduced without formal permission, provided that:

  • It is copied accurately
  • It is not used in a misleading context
  • The source of the material is identified

Contact Us

If you have any queries about anything contained within this Guide to Information, or if there is some information that you cannot find that you would like to access, please contact:

Thenue Housing Association
423 London Road
G40 1AG

0141 550 3581


The Information that we make available to you

Under the MPS, the information we provide must be listed under certain “classes” of information.   These are the categories of information that are detailed below.  As FOI applies to other bodies and sectors across Scotland – such as Scottish Government and Councils for example –this means that not all of the categories in the MPS apply to housing associations/co-operatives.[1]  

The details of all the information we hold under each of the classes that apply to our organisation, and hyperlinks to access this information when available online, are outlined below.


Where to access

Class 1 - About Thenue Housing Association

Information about Thenue Housing Association, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.

Descriptions of who we are

Mission Statement

About Us


About Us


About Us

Strategic Objectives

About Us

Area(s) of operation

Property Map

Key Activities, Strategic/Corporate plan(s)

Available on request

Business Plan (or summary)

Available on request

Our Service Standards

About Us

Location and opening arrangements


Contact Us

Telephone number and e-mail address for general enquiries (and dedicated lines where appropriate)

Contact Us

Opening Times

Contact Us

General Contact Arrangements

Contact Us

Local/Area Office Contact Details

Contact Us

Contact Details for Making a Complaint

Service Standards

Information relating to Freedom of Information

Publication Scheme and Guide to Information

This page

Charging Schedule for Published Information

This page

Contact Details and Advice on Making an FOI Request

FOI Request Form

Freedom of Information Policies and Procedures

Corporate Policy Handbook

Charging Schedule for Environmental Information Provided in Response to Requests Made Under EIRs

This page

About our Governing Body

List of Governing Body Members

·       Names

·       When They Became a Governing Body Member

·       Professional Biographical Details

·       Office-Bearing Responsibilities

·       When They Became an Office-Bearer


Body Members 

Description of the Role of the Governing Body

·       Governance Structure Chart (Including Sub-Committees and Working Groups);

·       Remits for Governing Body and any Sub-Committees

Governance Structure Chart

Governing Body Role Description

How to Become Part of the Governing Body


About our staff

List of Senior Management Team, Including Professional Biography and Contact Details

Our Staff

Organisational Structure

Our Staff

Governance Documents and Corporate Policies


Thenue Housing Assocation Rules

Standing Orders

Governance Policy Handbook

Membership Policy

Governance Policy Handbook

Code of Conduct for Staff

Staff Policy Handbook

Code of Conduct for Governing Body Members

Governance Policy Handbook

Entitlements Payments and Benefits Policy

Governance Policy Handbook

Register of Interests

Governing Body Members 

Equalities Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook

Health and Safety Policy

Policy Statement

Sustainability Policy

 Corporate Policy Handbook 

Relationship with Regulators

Engagement Plan with Scottish Housing Regulator

Engagement Plan

Assurance Statement

Assurance Statement

Annual Return on Charter Submission to SHR

Charter Return

Financial Returns to SHR

Financial Returns

Charter Report to Tenants

Charter Report 

Internal and External Audit arrangements

Audit Arrangements

Group Details

Details of our Subsidiaries

Our Subsidiaries

Key Partnerships

Strategic Agreements With Other Organisations

Thenue Communities

Class 2 – How we deliver our functions and services

Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering services and information for our service users.

How to use our services

List of Services Provided

Services Provided

How to Report a Repair

Report a Repair

Right to Repair Information

Report a Repair

How to Apply for a House

How to Apply

How to get Information About Tenancy Support

Tenancy Support Service

How to Make a Complaint

Making a Complaint

How to Speak to a Housing Officer

Our Staff

How we Consult With Tenants and Other Customers to Inform and Improve Service Delivery and Develop New Services

Customer Engagement Strategy

Policies and Procedures

Allocations Policy 

Allocation and Void Policy Handbook

Adaptations Policy

Property Services Policy Handbook

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

Estate Management Policy Handbook

Asbestos Management Policy

Property Services Policy Handbook

Arrears Management Policy

Income Maximisation Policy Handbook

Asset Management Policy (Including Stock Condition Information)

Property Services Handbook

Customer Care Policy

Customer Service Policy Handbook

Data Protection Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook

Environmental Information Regulations Policy (EIR)

Corporate Policy Handbook

Equality and Diversity Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook

Estate Management Policy

Estate Management Policy 

Health and Safety Policy and procedures

Health and Safety Policy

Legionnaires Inspection/Prevention Policy

Property Services Policy Handbook

Procurement Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook

Risk Management Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook

Rent Setting Policy

Rent, Occupancy and Service Charges Handbook

Repairs Policy

Repairs Policy Handbook

Sustainability Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook

Tenant Engagement Policy

Customer Engagement Strategy

Class 3 – How we take decisions and what we have decided

Information about the decisions we take how we make decisions and how we involve others. 

Governing Body Meetings

Governing Body Meeting Minutes

Board of Management Meeting Minutes

Governing Body Meeting Reports/Papers

Available on request

Governing Body Agendas

Board of Management Agendas

Consultation and Participation

Tenant Participation Strategy

Customer Engagement Strategy

Consultation Reports Noting the Outcome of any Recent Consultations With Tenants/Others

Scrutiny Report - Review of Scrutiny Group

Scrutiny Report - Service Standards

Tenant Scrutiny Panel Composition

Scrutiny Panel

Registered Tenant Organisations

Registered Tenant Organisation

Class 4 – What we spend and how we spend it

Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent). 

Information about our accounts and budgets

Description of Funding Sources

Funding Sources

Audited Accounts

Audited Accounts

Budget Policies and Procedures

Budget Policy

Budget Allocation to Key Service Areas

Budget Allocation

Our Programme of Work and Projects

Brief Details of Any Project Funding and How It’s Being Spent

Project Funding

Capital Works Programme/Plans Information (Annual Programme Figure)

Major Repairs

Spending relating to Staff and Governing Body

Expenses Policies and Procedures

Available on Request

Senior Staff/Governing Body Member Expenses at Category Level e.g. travel, Subsistence and Accommodation


Board Member Remuneration Other Than Expenses

We currently do not remunerate our board members

Pay and Grading Structure 

Available on Request

General Information About Staff Pension Scheme

Staff Pension Scheme

Class 5 – How we manage our resources

Information About How we Manage our Human, Physical and Information Resources

Human resources

Strategy and Management of Human Resources 

Staff Policy Handbook

Staffing Structure

Our Staff 

Human Resources Policies, Covering:

·       Recruitment

·       Performance Management

·       Salary and Grading

·       Promotion

·       Pensions

·       Discipline

·       Grievance

·       Staff Development

·       Maintenance and Retention of Staff Records

Available on Request

Trade Union information

Trade Union Information

Summary of Professional Organisations/Trade Bodies of Which we are a Member

Professional Organisation Membership

Physical Resources

Management of our Land and Property Assets, Including Environmental/Sustainability Reports

Property Services Handbook

General Description of our Land and Property Holdings

Our Housing

Estate Development Plans

Landressy Place

Information Resources

Records Management Policy and Records Management Plan, Including Records Retention Schedule

Corporate Policy Handbook

Data Protection Policy

Corporate Policy Handbook 

Class 6 - How we Procure Goods and Services From External Providers

Information About how we Procure Works Goods and Services, and our Contracts With External Providers.

Our Contractors and suppliers

Information About our key Service Delivery Contractors who Carry out:

·       Responsive Repairs

·       Landscape Maintenance

·       Planned/Cyclical Maintenance

Planned Maintenance

List of Suppliers and Contractors Used by Organisation (Provided to Staff Under our Entitlements Payments and Benefits Policy)

Suppliers and Contractors

Information About Regulated Procurement Contracts Awarded (Value, Scope, Duration)

Available on Request

Our Procurement

Procurement Policy and Procedures

Corporate Policy Handbook

Information on how to Tender for Work and Invitations to Tender

Corporate Policy Handbook

Register of Contracts Awarded Which Have Gone Through Formal Tendering, Including Name of Supplier, Period of Contract and Value

Available on Request

Links to Procurement Information we Publish on Public Contracts Scotland Website

Tenders are published on our behalf by consultants

Framework Agreements

Contractors Framework

Class 7 – How we are performing

Information About how we Perform as an Organisation, and how well we Deliver our Functions and Services

Annual Report

Annual Reviews

ARC Report to Tenants

Charter Report

Performance Standards/Indicators

Charter Report

Benchmarking Information

Landlord Report

Complaints Policy, Guidance and Forms

Making a Complaint

Complaints Reports or Equivalent to Show how Complaints are Handled and Influence Service Delivery 

Complaints Report

Tenant Scrutiny Reports

Scrutiny Report - Rent Consultation

Scrutiny Report - Service Standards

Class 8 – Our Commercial Publications

Information Packaged and Made Available for Sale on a Commercial Basis and Sold at Market Value Through a Retail Outlet e.g. Bookshop, Museum or Research Journal

This Class Does not Apply to Thenue Housing Association as we do not Produce any Publications for Sale. 

Not applicable

Class 9 – Our open data

Open data made available by us under the Scottish Government’s Open Data Resource Pack and available under open licence.

This class does not apply to Thenue Housing Association

Not applicable

[1]In the MPS Class 8: Commercial Publications and Class 9: Our Open Data do not apply to RSLs.