Looking For A Home
Housing Options
There are various options available for securing a new home. Please consider these options to see which one gives the best prospect of being offered a new home. Our Housing Options leaflet here provides full details on the choices available.
If you have never been a tenant before, you may wish to carefully consider the responsibilities and costs which this would involve. Our leaflet here provides some advice and information about taking on a new home which you may find helpful.
Our Housing
Where are our homes and what types of homes do we have? Full information on our homes and list of properties is here. We own 3201 properties in 6 main communities – different types and sizes.
On average, we let around 200 homes each year – details of our most recent lets can be found here.
If you are an older person looking for retirement or older persons housing, click here for more information.

Apply to Us
Complete our application form for a new home here. Further information about the process can be found here. If you are a current Thenue Housing tenant, there are certain criteria which apply before you can be considered for a transfer. More information on this can be found here.
If you wish assistance with submitting an application to us, please contact the Housing Support Team at our office. We can offer assistance with this either on the telephone, via another digital platform or by appointment with one of our staff in our office.
A copy of our Allocation and Voids Policy is available from our documents section under Guide to Information or click here for a summary version.
Swap Your Home
If you are a tenant of a local authority or registered social landlord, you may be able to swap your home with another council or housing association tenant. We hold an online register of tenants looking to swap their home and if you wish to register your details, please click on House Swap button on the left hand side of this page to add your details. More information on this “Mutual Exchange” process can be found here
Homeless or Threatened with Homelessness
If you require homelessness advice and assistance, during office hours, then you should contact Health and Social Care Connect on 0141 287 0555. You can also request homelessness assistance on-line at https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=29656
If you require assistance after 4:45pm Monday to Thursday or 3:55pm on a Friday or weekends and public holidays, then please contact the Emergency Out of Hours Homelessness Service on 0800 838 502.
You can also visit the Glasgow City Council Homelessness Page at https://www.yoursupportglasgow.org/glasgow-homepage/pages/housing-options-and-homelessness/homelessness-support-and-advice/
Other Housing Options
A list of renting options from other organisations can be found here.