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Well Done Charlotte!

Last updated: 11.23am, Monday 10th April 2017 by

Award success as Thenue Board member takes
Runner-up spot in Mary Barbour Award

COMMUNITY campaigner Charlotte Levy has triumphed in the prestigious Mary Barbour Award.
Charlotte – a long-standing member of Thenue’s Board of Management and a veteran of community campaigning - has been name runner up in the final of the Mary Barbour Award.
It was set up to honour a champion of city campaigning Mary Barbour and the winner is recognised as having made a significant contribution to the local community.
Charlotte has decades of campaigning under her belt in the east end of Glasgow where she lives.
She was awarded her commemorative rose bowl by the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Councillor Sadie Docherty.
Charlotte shares the runner up spot with Eleanor Brown of Maryhill Housing Association for her work in the Ruchill area. A total of 18 entries from across Glasgow were received.
Notable among Charlotte’s achievements has been a 21-year involvement with Thenue which has seen her serve as Vice Chair and Chair of Thenue’s Management Committee – the forerunner of the current Board.
Her distinguished service to the community has also included work with Crossroads Care and the East End Forum for Disability
Mary Barbour is a much admired figure within housing following events 101 years ago.
Mary led city-wide protests against unscrupulous and opportunist private landlords, who were imposing large rent increases on vulnerable families whose men were overseas fighting in the First World War.
On November 17 1915, more than 20,000 households across Glasgow staged a “rent strike” and the largest demonstration ever seen in the city.
Along with thousands of engineering and shipyard workers Mrs Barbour's army of housewives marched and converged on Glasgow's courts.
She later became a Glasgow councillor and from 1924-27 served as Glasgow Corporation’s first woman Baillie. She then went on to be appointed one of the first women magistrates in the city and died in 1958 aged 83.
Thenue Chief Executive Charlie Turner said: “We applaud Charlotte’s success and offer our warmest congratulations. Charlotte is an inspirational community-focused individual who has devoted many years of her life to the voluntary sector.”
Charlotte said the nomination did not reflect her own work but the achievements that many people had secured by working together as a team and putting the community first.
The overall winner was Anna Stuart MBE of Cassiltoun Housing Association.

Pictured: Charlotte Levy (far right), Eleanor Brown (far left) and Anna (center)