Launch Recite Me assistive technology

Access our Services 24/7 - No Need to Wait for the Office to Open!

Last updated: 9.28pm, Friday 13th September 2019 by

We reached our target of one third of our tenants using our Self Service App or Web Tenant Portal in December 2018!

Our new Target is to achieve 50% of tenants registered by January 2020. 96% of users that responded to a survey give self service a positive rating (55% gave it a very positive rating). Are you online and not yet using the 24/7 convenience of either our Tenant App or Tenant Portal on our website? Experience the benefits and great service that over 1000 of our tenants currently do by downloading our app or registering with our tenant portal on our website. The App is fully integrated with our Housing System which means that tenants can view up to date transactions on their rent account and their repair history. Tenants are also able to report a repair, make a neighbour complaint and make a whole range of service requests; all of which immediately appear on Thenue’s system for action by staff. Please click here for our Self Service app leaflet which will give more details on how to download the App on to your device and then register (please note only tenants of Thenue will be able to register with the App. We hope to have a version for our Factored & Sharing Owners to use at a later date). You can register with our Tenant Portal by clicking the 'my tenancy button on the homepage of this website. Apple   Once you have used the app or portal, we would love to hear what you think of it. Please click here for a short survey.