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New Youth Project comes to Calton

Last updated: 11.42am, Monday 19th December 2011 by

We are working in partnership with the Aberlour Childcare Trust to develop a new supported housing project on London Road.

In addition, Aberlour have recently been successful in securing funding for the next three years to provide a youth project in the Calton area.

The Aberlour Youthpoint Glasgow Service aims to provide a professional, effective, high quality service in partnership with other agencies working within the Calton area. The service involves a programme of detached streetwork and youth work for people between the ages of 12 and 19. This is done by two staff from the Service making contact and engaging with vulnerable youths, to promote their rights and views and to ensure they are better informed, have access to information, advice and support that may provide a positive benefit to their lives.

Wullie Hutton will be the main Youthpoint Young People Worker who will undertake streetwork in the Calton area over the next year with another member of the Youthpoint Streetwork team.

Wullie has already started to engage with young people and groups of youths in the area. The main issue raised is the lack of facilities for them to use - many of the young people have said they would like something to do in the evenings rather than hanging about the streets.

The staff will be in the area every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night from 6pm-9pm.

Please feel free to go up to the Streetwork Team and chat to them about what they do and about your area. You will see them walking around Green Street, Stevenson Street, Abercromby Street and Elco Gardens. The team will be wearing ID badges at all times and can make themselves known to you.

If you would like more information on the service, contact the Calton Team on 0141 550 3581.