Launch Recite Me assistive technology


Last updated: 10.58am, Thursday 29th January 2015 by

Free club to help young people learn and enjoy computer programming

Fun and free classes in computer programming are being offered to youngsters in Castlemilk.

Thenue Housing has linked up with CoderDojo Scotland to create free “coding clubs” for children aged 8 to 11.

At a coding club, children can learn how to create apps and games, how to build a website of their own, and much more - all in a safe and fun environment.

Coding is an increasingly popular choice for tech-interested youngsters and provides a great opportunity to pick up skills for those who want to know more.

CodoDojo is part of a global network providing free coding clubs for children and the driving force behind CoderDojo Scotland are the volunteers and mentors from technology and education backgrounds who wish to inspire the next generation of digital content makers.

These coding clubs are part of Thenue Housing’s “Smart Communities” project which provides people in their communities with access to computers, the internet, digital training and support.

The CoderDojo in Castlemilk runs once a month at Thenue’s offices at 49 Blaeloch Drive. The next event is on Saturday 14 February. There are both morning and afternoon sessions available (11am-1pm and 1.30pm-3.30pm). It also has the support of community organisation, Netherholm Area Association.

Children don’t need any experience or equipment - the event is fully equipped and is open to all children aged 8-11 years old. The contact number for booking a place is 0141 550 9575 and remember the classes are FREE.

Dawn McManus, Smart Communities Community Worker for Thenue Housing said: ‘This is a great opportunity for young people in Castlemilk to get involved in an innovative project which will capture their imaginations and encourage them to learn new skills, which they will require in the future of a digitally evolving society.”