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Calton Gardening Project: Making a Real Difference

Last updated: 3.36pm, Friday 7th December 2018 by

Our “Calton Gardening Project” has resulted in a dramatic reclaiming of the local neighbourhood by residents. It has led to significant improvement in the physical appearance of the local area which has drawn much praise from local people.

The project employs a community gardener to work directly on increasing the ability of residents to take responsibility for their environment. Meanwhile, tenants will now have received a copy of “Your Rent – Time to Have Your Say” - a special update inviting you to give your views on our rent proposals from April 2019.

It is part of our ongoing drive to involve our customers in the decisions that we make as an organisation. Tenant participation remains very important to us. A feature of this newsletter is our enthusiasm to obtain your views on whether you would like the gardening project to be rolled out across ALL our communities.

The rent publication features some images of the difference it has made in the appearance of the Calton community.

This is what some of the people who have commented on the project have said:

“What a difference. The tidying up is very noticeable and makes the place look very smart.”

Another added: “I am all for this scheme – several people have mentioned it to me and people are talking about how it keeps the place looking neat and tidy.”

You can see before and after pictures by clicking on 'download file' below