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Another Win For Thenue!

Last updated: 3.39pm, Thursday 6th April 2017 by

Thenue has scored another triumph in a top set of Awards – just months after becoming Housing Association of the Year.

We have won the Award for “Best Practice in Digital Involvement” at the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Good Practice Awards in St Andrews.

The Association won for its “Smart Communities” initiative which helps people get to grips with technology, computers, tablets and provides free help in learning how to use the internet.

It has been an outstanding success in the three years it has been running and has helped hundreds of people.

Lawrence McCabe, Community Regeneration Manager, said: “This is great news for Thenue and our customers. Helping people in our communities is one of our key objectives as a housing association.

“It is also a brilliant result for the staff who have worked so hard to make Smart Communities a success.”

Charles Turner, Chief Executive, said: “The help that this initiative has given to people is deep rooted in the communities we serve and we have found there is a real need for assistance on technology-related issues.

“Best of all we are providing this assistance for free – in keeping with our values as a housing provider which is to help as many people as we can.”

TPAS Scotland’s National Good Practice Awards, sponsored by Fife Council and supported by the Scottish Government were awarded at a celebration gala dinner.

Almost 400 tenants, staff and board members from the entire length and breadth of Scotland cheered, applauded and congratulated the winners and runners up which stretched from Orkney to the Borders.

Calum MacKay, TPAS Scotland’s chairperson said: “It’s fantastic that so much great work is going on throughout Scotland. I want to say well done to the winners, runners up and all those who do so much and give so much to improve housing services and communities.”

It was the first time the Best Practice in Digital Involvement Award was presented.
TPAS Scotland said the project had scored great success in using digital services to enhance “real” lives.