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A Helping Hand Like Never Before

Last updated: 8.42am, Thursday 30th April 2020 by

We have taken unprecedented steps to ensure tenants and communities are not forgotten during the ongoing coronavirus emergency. We have allocated Emergency funding to the task while staff are “pulling out all the stops” with remote working to offer a helping hand. Housing associations are being tested across Scotland as we fulfil our vital community roles which are essential in the current health crisis.

Our Chief Executive Charles Turner praised the efforts of the Thenue team AND volunteers who have rallied to the task to ensure no one gets left behind - calling their efforts “inspirational.”

Key highlights of the efforts being undertaken by Thenue are:
*All tenants aged 70 and over and all the Association’s single tenants, regardless of age, have been contacted – and will continue to be contacted – to assess how they can be helped. Tenants in retirement and supported accommodation are specifically included.

*Thenue Communities – the charitable subsidiary of Thenue - is providing FREE food parcels along with carrying out a free prescription collection service across all of Thenue’s communities. Please contact Rosemary Robertson on 0141 550 9573 or email for support

*Emergency funding has been allocated by the Association with money also obtained from other funding sources to support the effort

*Thenue’s Income Maximisation Officers are contacting people to help them claim benefits with one tenant in lock-down in Portugal being helped to complete a claim form

*Two community hubs – the Calton Heritage and Learning Centre and Netherholm Hall in Castlemilk – have proved to be vital locations for coordinating the work

*Some empty Thenue properties have been offered to Glasgow City Council to help individuals designated as homeless

*Thenue has been working with the “Rogart SAS” team to deliver soup and a sandwich to vulnerable and elderly people with 30 referrals so far being made by the Association.

*The Area Services and Repairs Teams have adapted quickly to remote working. Emergency repairs continue to be carried out and tenancy issues are being tackled by the area services staff.

Charles Turner said: “It is vitally important to thank our inspirational staff who, with passion, have adjusted so quickly and connected to our tenants during this coronavirus emergency. I also want to say to all our communities that Thenue is here for you in these challenging and difficult times.

“We will continue to adapt to the ever-changing circumstances we find ourselves in and our priority will remain the wellbeing of our tenants and the communities we serve. Be assured we are here for you.”

Gary Naylor, Head of Community Housing Services added his praise for the staff. “I’m already hugely proud of the team I’ve inherited and the efforts they go to for our residents. Their commitment is second to none"

Meanwhile, one resident summed up the work of the Association saying: “I needed help when I lost my job because of the virus and had no money for rent or food. It was great to speak to staff and get advice. I would have been lost without them.”

*Thenue acknowledges the exceptional partnership working of organisations based in our communities who are helping so many people.