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We Are Still Here To Support You...

Last updated: 1.29pm, Wednesday 1st July 2020 by

During this period of lockdown, we have been delighted to have spoken to so many of our tenants.For some it has been the first person they have spoken to in such a long while. These conversations start with some of the usual housing issues such as repairs, rent arrears or benefit enquiries, but end up with discussions on how we are all coping with these extraordinary times.

Tenants have told us that they are delighted we are able to continue with the high level of service that they have come to expect from Thenue and thank us for our continued support. We have been involved in increasing numbers of foodbank and food parcel referrals and working closely with the other services within Thenue.

Since the start of lockdown on the 23 of March, there have been 134 new Universal Credit claims and our Financial Inclusion service have assisted a large number of those tenants in making their on-line Universal Credit applications.

Universal Credit can force a tenant to immediately go into rent arrears, this can cause tenants to become worried about their tenancy. Furloughed tenants who have seen their income reduced are also facing financial problems, for these tenants we have carried out numerous benefit checks to see if they have entitlement to help with their rent and where applicable assisted in making those benefit claims. We have assisted our self-employed tenants in what grants or benefits they can apply for.

Our Income Maximisation Officers have been extremely busy in assisting tenants who found themselves in rent arrears, by making affordable arrears arrangements and arranging for their housing costs to be paid direct to Thenue, thus ensuring their tenancies are secure and reducing stress in the household. During this very time difficult time Thenue took the decision not to add any extra financial worries to our tenants by not raising any new legal action for recovery of rent arrears.

Whilst we will make every effort to continue to assist our tenants, and in line with our Solicitors advice, we will now be starting to look at tenants with increasing rent arrears and making a decision on whether legal action will be pursued. This has always been a last resort taken by Thenue only where tenants have not engaged with us and continually build up rent arrears. Should you receive a Notice it is because no payments or contact have been made or your arrears are continuing to increase so it is important you contact us immediately to discuss the options and how we can assist you to avoid further action.

I really hope you understand why we are having to re-instate our standard arrears recovery procedure. I can assure you that we will do everything we possibly can to make sure you either do not get into arrears or help you to work towards clearing an arrear you may already have by taking the time to fully understand your situation, however, as you will no doubt be aware sometimes we are left with no other option.

If you would like to speak with any of the team then please email us on or phone us on 0141 550 3581 option 2 followed by option 1.