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Thank You For Having Your Say

Last updated: 3.05pm, Friday 27th January 2023 by

We want to take this opportunity to thank tenants for taking part in the recent rent consultation which comes to a close next week.

Your views are crucial to the process of rent setting – something which will be decided upon at the next Board meeting on 7 February .

Since late November Thenue has been running our consultation to gather views on what the housing association is proposing for the period from April of this year to March next year.

Two special newsletters have been produced and three consultation meetings have taken place in Calton, Netherholm and most recently this Thursday at Cranhill.

The Association has been consulting on a five percent increase – currently around half the level of UK inflation which is at a forty year high.

Clearly, imposing a rent rise in line with inflation was out of the question due to the cost of living challenges being faced by so many people.

But Thenue has to balance rising costs with what we think tenants can realistically afford and the Board will decide – taking into account the feedback from the consultation process – if the 5 percent rise should go ahead.

The Association has been impressed by the number of responses – many through our popular mobile app, and while there are varying views, there is an acceptance that with rising costs rents have to rise – albeit by a much smaller amount than inflation.

Remember, too, that Thenue offers a free “financial inclusion service” which is totally confidential and is designed to help you claim benefits to which you are entirely entitled.

In many cases people have received State benefits – sometimes backdated – which they didn’t realise they were eligible for.

Michael Byrne, our Director of Community Housing Services said: “We want to thank our tenants for the excellent response we have had to our rent consultation. It means we can take to the Board the varying views of so many people which will always be taken into account in decision-making.”

Gary Naylor, our Chief Executive added: “There is still time to give your views on our rent proposals. We want to remind our tenants that we always put their needs first,notably through our financial inclusion service. We appreciate times are very hard right now which is why if you are struggling to pay your rent it is essential you contact us to see if we can help.”

Ways to respond:

Post your tear-off slip which was on both the newsletters to us at 423 London Road.(Remember to use first class postage so your slip reaches us in time). You can also hand it in to our office which is opened Monday to Thursday from 10am to 4pm.

E-mail us at

Phone us on 0141 550 3581

Take the on-line survey at

Use the self-service app.