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Owners Survey 2021

Last updated: 10.03am, Tuesday 22nd June 2021 by

Thenue Housing Association is committed to providing a quality service to those owners to whom we provide a factoring service. To help us improve our service we regularly consult with our factoring customers and involve them in the decisions which affect their homes.

As part of this, we have appointed IBP Strategy and Research to conduct an Owners Survey on our behalf. In previous years, this survey has been conducted through a combination of face-to-face interviewing and a postal survey of non-resident owners. This year, due to the continued restrictions brought about by Covid, the survey is being conducted by telephone. A researcher from IBP may make contact with you over the next 2-3 weeks to ask you to give your views in a short interview lasting approximately 15 minutes. This call will come from IBP’s number (01698 532021) and the researcher will be happy to provide you with contact details at the Association should you wish to check their credentials.

The survey will cover a number of important issues relating to your home, the service we provide and your local neighbourhood, as well as the Association’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. As well as helping us to improve our services, it will also gather important feedback about your satisfaction with our services, which we report on annually to the Scottish Housing Regulator.

If you are not contacted by a researcher but wish to take part in the survey, then simply contact Jason Brown at IBP on 01698 532021 and he will arrange for someone from IBP to contact you to undertake the interview. Please also contact Jason should you require a copy of this letter in larger print or should you wish to opt out of taking part in the survey.

If you have any questions or concerns at all, then please feel free to contact your Factoring Officer, Nicola Rankine, at or on 0141 550 9534. In the meantime, please accept our thanks in advance for your contribution to this important consultation.