Launch Recite Me assistive technology

Low Income Pandemic Payment

Last updated: 4.44pm, Monday 6th September 2021 by

The Scottish Government announced that a one-off £130 Low Income Pandemic Payment (LIPP) would be made by 31 October 2021 to eligible households. The payment will be made if you were in receipt of Council Tax Reduction/Second Adult Rebate, or did not pay Council Tax for one of the following reasons during the month of April 2021:
• You were living in temporary accommodation, including a refuge.

• Your home was unoccupied because you were being cared for or were caring for someone else.

• All members of the household were care leavers, under 18 or severely mentally impaired.
We have identified those eligible for this payment and they will be contacted in due course, there is no need to take any action.
If you have received a letter and wish to register your details, please follow the link:

For more information on the payment visit the Scottish Government website: