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28 Years Later - Thank You!

Last updated: 9.46am, Wednesday 14th August 2019 by

Earlier this summer Thenue announced the pending retiral of Beth Reilly, Head of Property Services, who had been with us for 28 years. Attending her very last meeting of the Board of Management, Beth was presented with an oil painting depicting a scene from Colonsay, a place where Beth and her family have spent many a happy summer holiday.

Marking this achievement and to recognise her huge contribution, our Chairman, Derek Quinn, on behalf of the association made the presentation. Over the years Beth has presented information to not only our governing body, but to many in the community controlled housing organisations in and around Glasgow. We estimate that she has done this around 1,500 times in her long and illustrious housing career.

Beth plans to retire at the end of August, and will be succeeded by Eleanor Derbyshire, who will spend the remainder of the month extracting 28 years worth of information that Beth holds in in head! Everyone at, and associated with Thenue passes on their best wishes for Beth’s retirement.